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Color expertise, engineering and software solutions for all industries.

Your returns on investment

A few benefits of knowledge in Graphic Industries

Color Quality and productivity:

You can reproduce well only what you can measure: Only controlling color reproduction by methods based upon measure can allow optimal use of all market's hardware and software, whether they are "proprietary" or "open", and whether their design is good or not.
Your gains of productivity can usually reach 30 %!

Savings consumable:

In addition to saving time, very important savings in ink and media can be achieved.

Choosing the best production tools and processes:

Investing today in proprietary calibrated monitors, proprietary proofing systems, and much other expensive prepress equipment is no longer necessary for Users who are properly trained to digital color.
You cannot choose your professional work tools without having the least idea of their working principles and critical points to be examined. In addition, best tools are seldom the most expensive ones!

Some frequently found consequences of insufficient training to Digital Color:

Misuse of the existing production equipments:

Badly parameterized software and drivers.

Choice of new tools having a very bad performance/ price ratio:

Purchase of expensive and nonproductive color proofing systems. Purchase of equipments unable to take advantage and benefits from I.C.C. Belief that if a product is very expensive and from a well-known Brand, it should be good.

Choice of non-working tools:

Purchase of scanners, digital cameras, and printers not being able to use correctly I.C.C. profiles, contrarily to their Vendors advertisements.

Choice of new tools unsuited to the needs:

Use of ink-jet printers for volume color proofing in publishing industries. Use of proprietary calibrated RGB monitors. Use of unnecessarily expensive scanners.

Choice of new tools not meeting the technical specifications advertised by their Vendor:

Purchase of scanners or video projectors not meeting the technical specifications of resolution or power praised by their Vendors. Purchase of printers having a much higher cost by copy than advertised.

Technical reception of non-working products:

Satisfaction by new equipments working better, but not working correctly!

Waste of consumable:

Production of useless paper proofs, bad choice of printers, bad color separations. Waste at press settings.

Waste of time:

Work rather based on experience and black art than on understanding and methods.

Incapacity to develop a real Customer's partnership:

Incapacity to draw up a clear quality contract with the Customer. Non justified final improvements for free. Too random technical quality and delays. Incapacity to prove to the Customer his request is physically impossible to satisfy. Incapacity to prove to the Customer your work is good.

Incapacity to defend your own interests:

Incapacity to control the upstream or downstream work quality of the other subcontractors in the event of a final quality problem and conflict, by default of a sufficient knowledge of each Trade of the graphic chain.

Bad design of new products:

Manufacturers whose products are unaware of customer's Trade and their expressed or non-expressed requirements. Products designed by data processing specialists ignoring color measurement. Choice of bad technical specifications. Unnecessarily complex and expensive drivers. Bad Man-Machine interface. Developers working for themselves and not for the Customers.

Incapacity to sell good products:

Products Marketed or installed without knowledge of Customer's Trade and color measurement. Unsuited marketing to Graphic Arts.

Choice of non-competitive contractors:

Work with subcontractors drowned by modern technology, having acquired to reassure themselves out of market prices and nonproductive proprietary equipments, of which they will of course tell you the qualities.

Bad strategic vision of market evolution:

Incapacity to distinguish true innovations from media background noise. Useless replacement of processors, hardware, and software. Accepting bad purchase conditions masking the real costs. Bad priorities in the investments. Ignorance of real costs and market trends.

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