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Color expertise, engineering and software solutions for all industries.

The A to Z color engineering

A compass for finding your own direction

With 40 years of experience in professional digital imaging, Colorsource is a recognized specialist of color science applied to the acquisition, processing and reproduction of color, by all traditional and digital methods.

Colorsource brings you an in-depth mastery of image processing, advanced color appearance models, color imaging in colorimetric and multispectral modes, in many industrial fields.

All industries:

Colorsource participates many projects in industries where color is critical, for example in automotive, design of special inkjet printing machines, microbiology diagnosis, color optics, and multispectral image acquisition (multispectral cameras and scanners).

We offer you:

  • Technical audit and support, R&D, engineering, development of algorithms and /or application software, for optimal use of color science allowing you to optimize the acquisition, processing and reproduction of your colors.

  • Associated professional training courses for your Teams.

Graphic and photographic industries:

Colorsource helps you optimizing quality and productivity, thanks to image and document processing based on spectral measurement, using the market's standard and inexpensive 45/0° scanning spectrophotometers.

We offer you:

  • Dedicated application software for Print Houses, such as MagicPress and MagicPrepress, which bring all the necessary tools and expertise to the prepress and press rooms. Colorsource applications allow you optimizing the daily calibration of your traditional printing presses, for matching ISO12647-2-3-4-6 and G7/IDEAlliance standards, or your own color printing standards when no public aim standard is applicable,

  • Technical audit of your hardware and software tools, your methods and organization, at each stage of the graphic production process, from photography to the final traditional or digital prints,

  • All the associated training for your Teams.

By its independent position from any supplier and any corporatism, Colorsource helps you making the best strategic choices for optimizing your working methods and investments.

Colorsource has excellent references in all areas of the Graphic Industries and professional imaging.

You will find on this site a lot of useful technical information available in the form of PDF files.

You will discover that very inexpensive tools allow results of the highest professional quality: The performance of modern equipment mainly depends on how you use it.

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